Source code for lfd.tpsopt.registration

Register point clouds to each other

arrays are named like name_abc
abc are subscripts and indicate the what that tensor index refers to

index name conventions:
    m: test point index
    n: training point index
    a: input coordinate
    g: output coordinate
    d: gripper coordinate

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd

from lfd.tpsopt.transformations import ThinPlateSpline, fit_ThinPlateSpline
import tps
from settings import BEND_COEF_DIGITS

# from svds import svds

[docs]def loglinspace(a,b,n): "n numbers between a to b (inclusive) with constant ratio between consecutive numbers" return np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(a),np.log(b),n))
[docs]def registration_cost(xyz0, xyz1, f_p_mats=None, f_o_mats=None, b_p_mats=None, b_o_mats=None): if f_p_mats is None: f, g = tps_rpm_bij(xyz0, xyz1, n_iter=10) else: f, g = tps_rpm_bij_presolve(xyz0, xyz1, n_iter=10, f_p_mats=f_p_mats, f_o_mats=f_o_mats, b_p_mats=b_p_mats, b_o_mats=b_o_mats) return f._cost + g._cost
[docs]def unit_boxify(x_na): ranges = x_na.ptp(axis=0) dlarge = ranges.argmax() unscaled_translation = - (x_na.min(axis=0) + x_na.max(axis=0))/2 scaling = 1./ranges[dlarge] scaled_translation = unscaled_translation * scaling return x_na*scaling + scaled_translation, (scaling, scaled_translation)
[docs]def unscale_tps(f, src_params, targ_params): """Only works in 3d!!""" p,q = src_params r,s = targ_params d = len(q) lin_in = np.eye(d)*p trans_in = q aff_in = Affine(lin_in, trans_in) lin_out = np.eye(d)/r trans_out = -s/r aff_out = Affine(lin_out, trans_out) return Composition([aff_in, f, aff_out]) # @profile
[docs]def tps_rpm_bij(x_nd, y_md, fsolve, gsolve,n_iter = 20, reg_init = .1, reg_final = .001, rad_init = .1, rad_final = .005, rot_reg = 1e-3, outlierprior=1e-1, outlierfrac=2e-1, vis_cost_xy=None, return_corr=False, check_solver=False): """ tps-rpm algorithm mostly as described by chui and rangaran reg_init/reg_final: regularization on curvature rad_init/rad_final: radius for correspondence calculation (meters) plotting: 0 means don't plot. integer n means plot every n iterations """ _,d=x_nd.shape regs = np.around(loglinspace(reg_init, reg_final, n_iter), BEND_COEF_DIGITS) rads = loglinspace(rad_init, rad_final, n_iter) f = ThinPlateSpline(d) scale = (np.max(y_md,axis=0) - np.min(y_md,axis=0)) / (np.max(x_nd,axis=0) - np.min(x_nd,axis=0)) f.lin_ag = np.diag(scale) # align the mins and max f.trans_g = np.median(y_md,axis=0) - np.median(x_nd,axis=0) * scale # align the medians g = ThinPlateSpline(d) g.lin_ag = np.diag(1./scale) g.trans_g = -np.diag(1./scale).dot(f.trans_g) # r_N = None for i in xrange(n_iter): xwarped_nd = f.transform_points(x_nd) ywarped_md = g.transform_points(y_md) fwddist_nm = ssd.cdist(xwarped_nd, y_md,'euclidean') invdist_nm = ssd.cdist(x_nd, ywarped_md,'euclidean') r = rads[i] prob_nm = np.exp( -(fwddist_nm + invdist_nm) / (2*r) ) corr_nm, r_N, _ = balance_matrix(prob_nm, 10, outlierprior, outlierfrac) corr_nm += 1e-9 wt_n = corr_nm.sum(axis=1) wt_m = corr_nm.sum(axis=0) xtarg_nd = (corr_nm/wt_n[:,None]).dot(y_md) ytarg_md = (corr_nm/wt_m[None,:]) fsolve.solve(wt_n, xtarg_nd, regs[i], rot_reg, f) gsolve.solve(wt_m, ytarg_md, regs[i], rot_reg, g) if check_solver: f_test = fit_ThinPlateSpline(x_nd, xtarg_nd, bend_coef = regs[i], wt_n=wt_n, rot_coef = rot_reg) g_test = fit_ThinPlateSpline(y_md, ytarg_md, bend_coef = regs[i], wt_n=wt_m, rot_coef = rot_reg) tol = 1e-4 assert np.allclose(f.trans_g, f_test.trans_g, atol=tol) assert np.allclose(f.lin_ag, f_test.lin_ag, atol=tol) assert np.allclose(f.w_ng, f_test.w_ng, atol=tol) assert np.allclose(g.trans_g, g_test.trans_g, atol=tol) assert np.allclose(g.lin_ag, g_test.lin_ag, atol=tol) assert np.allclose(g.w_ng, g_test.w_ng, atol=tol) f._cost = tps.tps_cost(f.lin_ag, f.trans_g, f.w_ng, f.x_na, xtarg_nd, regs[i], wt_n=wt_n)/wt_n.mean() g._cost = tps.tps_cost(g.lin_ag, g.trans_g, g.w_ng, g.x_na, ytarg_md, regs[i], wt_n=wt_m)/wt_m.mean() if return_corr: return (f, g), corr_nm return f,g
[docs]def balance_matrix(prob_nm, max_iter, p, outlierfrac, r_N = None): n,m = prob_nm.shape prob_NM = np.empty((n+1, m+1), 'f4') prob_NM[:n, :m] = prob_nm prob_NM[:n, m] = p prob_NM[n, :m] = p prob_NM[n, m] = p*np.sqrt(n*m) a_N = np.ones((n+1),'f4') a_N[n] = m*outlierfrac b_M = np.ones((m+1),'f4') b_M[m] = n*outlierfrac if r_N is None: r_N = np.ones(n+1,'f4') for _ in xrange(max_iter): c_M = b_M/ r_N = a_N/ prob_NM *= r_N[:,None] prob_NM *= c_M[None,:] return prob_NM[:n, :m], r_N, c_M