Source code for lfd.environment.simulation_object

from __future__ import division

import trajoptpy, bulletsimpy
import sim_util
import numpy as np

[docs]class SimulationObject(object): add_after = False # if True, this object needs to be added after the BulletEnvironment has been created def __init__(self, names, dynamic=True): self.names = names self.dynamic = dynamic self.sim = None
[docs] def add_to_env(self, sim): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def remove_from_env(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_bullet_objects(self): if self.sim is None: raise RuntimeError("get_bullet_objects should only be called when the object is in an environment") bt_objs = [] for name in self.names: body = self.sim.env.GetKinBody(name) bt_obj = self.sim.bt_env.GetObjectFromKinBody(body) bt_objs.append(bt_obj) return bt_objs
[docs] def get_state(self): return np.asarray([bt_obj.GetTransform() for bt_obj in self.get_bullet_objects()])
[docs] def set_state(self, tfs): for (bt_obj, tf) in zip(self.get_bullet_objects(), tfs): bt_obj.SetTransform(tf)
def _get_constructor_info(self): args = [self.names] kwargs = {"dynamic":self.dynamic} return (type(self).__name__, type(self).__module__), args, kwargs
[docs]class XmlSimulationObject(SimulationObject): def __init__(self, xml, dynamic=False): super(XmlSimulationObject, self).__init__(None, dynamic=dynamic) # TODO: None names self.xml = xml
[docs] def add_to_env(self, sim): self.sim = sim pre_names = [body.GetName() for body in self.sim.env.GetBodies()] if '<' in self.xml: # TODO: fix this hack self.sim.env.LoadData(self.xml) else: self.sim.env.Load(self.xml) post_names = [body.GetName() for body in self.sim.env.GetBodies()] self.names = [name for name in post_names if name not in pre_names]
[docs] def remove_from_env(self): for bt_obj in self.get_bullet_objects(): self.sim.env.Remove(bt_obj.GetKinBody()) self.sim = None
def _get_constructor_info(self): args = [self.xml] kwargs = {"dynamic":self.dynamic} return (type(self).__name__, type(self).__module__), args, kwargs def __repr__(self): return "XmlSimulationObject(%s, dynamic=%r)" % (self.xml, self.dynamic)
[docs]class BoxSimulationObject(XmlSimulationObject): def __init__(self, name, translation, extents, dynamic=True): xml = """ <Environment> <KinBody name="%s"> <Body type="%s" name="%s_link"> <Translation>%f %f %f</Translation> <Geom type="box"> <extents>%f %f %f</extents> </Geom> </Body> </KinBody> </Environment> """ % (name, 'dynamic' if dynamic else 'static', name, translation[0], translation[1], translation[2], extents[0], extents[1], extents[2]) super(BoxSimulationObject, self).__init__(xml, dynamic=dynamic) = name self.translation = translation self.extents = extents def _get_constructor_info(self): args = [, self.translation, self.extents] kwargs = {"dynamic":self.dynamic} return (type(self).__name__, type(self).__module__), args, kwargs def __repr__(self): return "BoxSimulationObject(%s, %s, %s, dynamic=%r)" % (, self.translation, self.extents, self.dynamic)
[docs]class CylinderSimulationObject(XmlSimulationObject): def __init__(self, name, translation, radius, height, dynamic=True): xml = """ <Environment> <KinBody name="%s"> <Body type="%s" name="%s_link"> <Translation>%f %f %f</Translation> <Geom type="cylinder"> <rotationaxis>1 0 0 90</rotationaxis> <radius>%f</radius> <height>%f</height> </Geom> </Body> </KinBody> </Environment> """ % (name, 'dynamic' if dynamic else 'static', name, translation[0], translation[1], translation[2], radius, height) super(CylinderSimulationObject, self).__init__(xml, dynamic=dynamic) = name self.translation = translation self.radius = radius self.height = height def _get_constructor_info(self): args = [, self.translation, self.radius, self.height] kwargs = {"dynamic":self.dynamic} return (type(self).__name__, type(self).__module__), args, kwargs def __repr__(self): return "CylinderSimulationObject(%s, %s, %s, %s, dynamic=%r)" % (, self.translation, self.radius, self.height, self.dynamic)
[docs]class RopeSimulationObject(SimulationObject): add_after = True def __init__(self, name, ctrl_points, rope_params=None, dynamic=True, upsample=0, upsample_rad=1): super(RopeSimulationObject, self).__init__([name], dynamic=True) = name self.init_ctrl_points = np.asarray(ctrl_points) if rope_params is None: self.rope_params = sim_util.RopeParams() else: self.rope_params = rope_params self.upsample = upsample self.upsample_rad = upsample_rad self.rope = None
[docs] def add_to_env(self, sim): self.sim = sim capsule_rope_params = bulletsimpy.CapsuleRopeParams() capsule_rope_params.radius = self.rope_params.radius capsule_rope_params.angStiffness = self.rope_params.angStiffness capsule_rope_params.angDamping = self.rope_params.angDamping capsule_rope_params.linDamping = self.rope_params.linDamping capsule_rope_params.angLimit = self.rope_params.angLimit capsule_rope_params.linStopErp = self.rope_params.linStopErp capsule_rope_params.mass = self.rope_params.mass self.rope = bulletsimpy.CapsuleRope(self.sim.bt_env,, self.init_ctrl_points, capsule_rope_params)
[docs] def remove_from_env(self): # remove all capsule-capsule exclude to prevent memory leak # TODO: only interate through the capsule pairs that actually are excluded cc = trajoptpy.GetCollisionChecker(self.sim.env) for rope_link0 in self.rope.GetKinBody().GetLinks(): for rope_link1 in self.rope.GetKinBody().GetLinks(): cc.IncludeCollisionPair(rope_link0, rope_link1) self.sim.env.Remove(self.rope.GetKinBody()) self.rope = None self.sim = None
[docs] def get_bullet_objects(self): # method of parent class doesn't work because self.rope casted to BulletObject if self.sim is None: raise RuntimeError("get_bullet_objects should only be called when the object is in an environment") return [self.rope]
[docs] def get_state(self): trans, rots = self.rope.GetTranslations(), self.rope.GetRotations() tfs = np.zeros((len(trans), 4, 4)) tfs[:,:3,3] = trans tfs[:,:3,:3] = rots tfs[:,3,3] = np.ones(len(trans)) return tfs
[docs] def set_state(self, tfs): self.rope.SetTranslations(tfs[:,:3,3]) self.rope.SetRotations(tfs[:,:3,:3])
def _get_constructor_info(self): args = [, self.init_ctrl_points.tolist(), self.rope_params] kwargs = {"dynamic":self.dynamic, "upsample":0, "upsample_rad":1} return (type(self).__name__, type(self).__module__), args, kwargs def __repr__(self): return "RopeSimulationObject(%s, numpy.array([[...]]), RopeParams(...), dynamic=%r, upsample=%i, upsample_rad=%i)" % (, self.dynamic, self.upsample, self.upsample_rad)