Source code for lfd.registration.tps

Functions for fitting and applying thin plate spline transformations
from __future__ import division

import settings
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd
import scipy.optimize as so
from transformation import Transformation
import lfd.registration
if lfd.registration._has_cuda:
    import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
    import scikits.cuda.linalg as culinalg

[docs]def nan2zero(x): np.putmask(x, np.isnan(x), 0) return x
[docs]def tps_apply_kernel(distmat, dim): """ if d=2: k(r) = 4 * r^2 log(r) d=3: k(r) = -r import numpy as np, scipy.spatial.distance as ssd x = np.random.rand(100,2) d=ssd.squareform(ssd.pdist(x)) print np.clip(np.linalg.eigvalsh( 4 * d**2 * log(d+1e-9) ),0,inf).mean() print np.clip(np.linalg.eigvalsh(-d),0,inf).mean() Note the actual coefficients (from d=2: 1/(8*sqrt(pi)) = 0.070523697943469535 d=3: gamma(-.5)/(16*pi**1.5) = -0.039284682964880184 """ if dim==2: return 4 * distmat**2 * np.log(distmat+1e-20) elif dim ==3: return -distmat else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def tps_kernel_matrix(x_na): dim = x_na.shape[1] distmat = ssd.squareform(ssd.pdist(x_na)) return tps_apply_kernel(distmat,dim)
[docs]def tps_kernel_matrix2(x_na, y_ma): dim = x_na.shape[1] distmat = ssd.cdist(x_na, y_ma) return tps_apply_kernel(distmat, dim)
[docs]def tps_eval(x_ma, lin_ag, trans_g, w_ng, x_na): K_mn = tps_kernel_matrix2(x_ma, x_na) return, w_ng) +, lin_ag) + trans_g[None,:]
[docs]def tps_grad(x_ma, lin_ag, _trans_g, w_ng, x_na): _N, D = x_na.shape M = x_ma.shape[0] assert x_ma.shape[1] == 3 dist_mn = ssd.cdist(x_ma, x_na,'euclidean') grad_mga = np.empty((M,D,D)) lin_ga = lin_ag.T for a in xrange(D): diffa_mn = x_ma[:,a][:,None] - x_na[:,a][None,:] grad_mga[:,:,a] = lin_ga[None,:,a] -,w_ng) return grad_mga
[docs]def solve_eqp1(H, f, A, N=None, ret_factorization=False): """solve equality-constrained qp min .5 tr(x'Hx) + tr(f'x) s.t. Ax = 0 """ n_vars = H.shape[0] assert H.shape[1] == n_vars assert f.shape[0] == n_vars assert A.shape[1] == n_vars n_cnts = A.shape[0] # columns of N span the null space if N is None: _u,_s,_vh = np.linalg.svd(A.T) N = _u[:,n_cnts:] else: assert np.allclose(, np.zeros((n_cnts, N.shape[1]))) # x = Nz # then problem becomes unconstrained minimization .5 z'N'HNz + z'N'f # N'HNz + N'f = 0 L = R = z = np.linalg.solve(L, R) x = if ret_factorization: return x, (N, z) return x
[docs]def tps_fit3(x_na, y_ng, bend_coef, rot_coef, wt_n, ret_factorization=False): if wt_n is None: wt_n = np.ones(len(x_na)) n,d = x_na.shape K_nn = tps_kernel_matrix(x_na) Q = np.c_[np.ones((n,1)), x_na, K_nn] rot_coefs = np.ones(d) * rot_coef if np.isscalar(rot_coef) else rot_coef A = np.r_[np.zeros((d+1,d+1)), np.c_[np.ones((n,1)), x_na]].T _u,_s,_vh = np.linalg.svd(A[:, d+1:].T) N = np.eye(n+d+1, n) N[d+1:, d+1:] = _u[:, d+1:] solve_dim_separately = not np.isscalar(bend_coef) or (wt_n.ndim > 1 and wt_n.shape[1] > 1) if not solve_dim_separately: WQ = wt_n[:,None] * Q QWQ = H = QWQ H[d+1:,d+1:] += bend_coef * K_nn H[1:d+1, 1:d+1] += np.diag(rot_coefs) f = f[1:d+1,0:d] -= np.diag(rot_coefs) if ret_factorization: theta, (_, z) = solve_eqp1(H, f, A, N=N, ret_factorization=True) else: theta = solve_eqp1(H, f, A, N=N) else: bend_coefs = np.ones(d) * bend_coef if np.isscalar(bend_coef) else bend_coef if wt_n.ndim == 1: wt_n = wt_n[:,None] if wt_n.shape[1] == 1: wt_n = np.tile(wt_n, (1,d)) theta = np.empty((1+d+n,d)) z = np.empty((n,d)) for i in range(d): WQ = wt_n[:,i][:,None] * Q QWQ = H = QWQ H[d+1:,d+1:] += bend_coefs[i] * K_nn H[1:d+1, 1:d+1] += np.diag(rot_coefs) f =[:,i]) f[1+i] -= rot_coefs[i] if ret_factorization: theta[:,i], (_, z[:,i]) = solve_eqp1(H, f, A, N=N, ret_factorization=True) else: theta[:,i] = solve_eqp1(H, f, A, N=N) if ret_factorization: return theta, (N, z) return theta
[docs]class ThinPlateSpline(Transformation): """ Attributes: x_na: centers of basis functions w_ng: weights of basis functions lin_ag: transpose of linear part, so you take trans_g: translation part """ def __init__(self, d=3): "initialize as identity" self.x_na = np.zeros((0,d)) self.lin_ag = np.eye(d) self.trans_g = np.zeros(d) self.w_ng = np.zeros((0,d)) self.N = None self.z = None self.y_ng = np.zeros((0,d)) self.bend_coef = 0 self.rot_coef = 0 self.wt_n = np.zeros(0) @staticmethod
[docs] def create_from_optimization(x_na, y_ng, bend_coef, rot_coef, wt_n): r"""Solves the optimization problem .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{align*} & \min_{f} & \sum_{i=1}^n w_i ||y_i - f(x_i)||_2^2 + \lambda Tr(A^\top K A) + Tr((B - I) R (B - I)) \\ & \text{subject to} & X^\top A = 0 \\ && 1^\top A = 0 \\ \end{align*} Args: x_na: source cloud, :math:`X` y_ng: target cloud, :math:`Y` bend_coef: smoothing, penalize non-affine part, :math:`\lambda` rot_coef: angular_spring, penalize rotation, :math:`\text{diag}(R)` wt_n: weight the points, :math:`w` Returns: A ThinPlateSpline f """ f = ThinPlateSpline() theta, (N, z) = tps_fit3(x_na, y_ng, bend_coef, rot_coef, wt_n, ret_factorization=True) f.update(x_na, y_ng, bend_coef, rot_coef, wt_n, theta, N=N, z=z) return f
[docs] def update(self, x_na, y_ng, bend_coef, rot_coef, wt_n, theta, N=None, z=None): d = x_na.shape[1] self.trans_g = theta[0] self.lin_ag = theta[1:d+1] self.w_ng = theta[d+1:] self.N = N self.z = z self.x_na = x_na self.y_ng = y_ng self.bend_coef = bend_coef self.rot_coef = rot_coef self.wt_n = wt_n
[docs] def transform_points(self, x_ma): y_ng = tps_eval(x_ma, self.lin_ag, self.trans_g, self.w_ng, self.x_na) return y_ng
[docs] def compute_jacobian(self, x_ma): grad_mga = tps_grad(x_ma, self.lin_ag, self.trans_g, self.w_ng, self.x_na) return grad_mga
[docs] def get_objective(self): r"""Returns the following 3 objectives: - :math:`\sum_{i=1}^n w_i ||y_i - f(x_i)||_2^2` - :math:`\lambda Tr(A^\top K A)` - :math:`Tr((B - I) R (B - I))` Note: Implementation covers general case where there is a wt_n and bend_coef per dimension """ # expand these _, a = self.x_na.shape bend_coefs = np.ones(a) * self.bend_coef if np.isscalar(self.bend_coef) else self.bend_coef rot_coefs = np.ones(a) * self.rot_coef if np.isscalar(self.rot_coef) else self.rot_coef wt_n = self.wt_n if wt_n.ndim == 1: wt_n = wt_n[:,None] if wt_n.shape[1] == 1: wt_n = np.tile(wt_n, (1,a)) K_nn = tps_kernel_matrix(self.x_na) cost = np.zeros(3) # matching cost cost[0] = np.sum(np.square(self.transform_points(self.x_na) - self.y_ng) * wt_n) # bending cost cost[1] = np.trace(np.diag(bend_coefs).dot( # rotation cost cost[2] = np.trace((self.lin_ag - np.eye(a)) - np.eye(a))))) return cost
[docs]def prepare_fit_ThinPlateSpline(x_nd, y_md, corr_nm, fwd=True): """ Takes into account outlier source points and normalization of points """ if (fwd): wt_n = corr_nm.sum(axis=1) if np.any(wt_n == 0): inlier = wt_n != 0 xtarg_nd = np.zeros_like(x_nd) xtarg_nd[inlier,:] = (corr_nm[inlier,:]/wt_n[inlier,None]).dot(y_md) else: xtarg_nd = (corr_nm/wt_n[:,None]).dot(y_md) wt_n /= len(x_nd) # normalize by number of points return xtarg_nd, wt_n else: wt_m = corr_nm.sum(axis=0) if np.any(wt_m == 0): inlier = wt_m != 0 ytarg_md = np.zeros_like(y_md) ytarg_md[inlier,:] = (corr_nm[inlier,:]/wt_m[None,inlier]) else: ytarg_md = (corr_nm/wt_m[None,:]) wt_m /= len(y_md) # normalize by number of points return ytarg_md, wt_m
[docs]def tps_rpm(x_nd, y_md, f_solver_factory=None, n_iter=settings.N_ITER, em_iter=settings.EM_ITER, reg_init=settings.REG[0], reg_final=settings.REG[1], rad_init=settings.RAD[0], rad_final=settings.RAD[1], rot_reg=settings.ROT_REG, outlierprior=settings.OUTLIER_PRIOR, outlierfrac=settings.OUTLIER_FRAC, prior_prob_nm=None, callback=None, args=()): _, d = x_nd.shape regs = loglinspace(reg_init, reg_final, n_iter) rads = loglinspace(rad_init, rad_final, n_iter) f = ThinPlateSpline(d) scale = (np.max(y_md,axis=0) - np.min(y_md,axis=0)) / (np.max(x_nd,axis=0) - np.min(x_nd,axis=0)) f.lin_ag = np.diag(scale) # align the mins and max f.trans_g = np.median(y_md,axis=0) - np.median(x_nd,axis=0) * scale # align the medians # set up outlier priors for source and target scenes n, _ = x_nd.shape m, _ = y_md.shape x_priors = np.ones(n)*outlierprior y_priors = np.ones(m)*outlierprior # set up custom solver if solver factory is specified if f_solver_factory is None: fsolve = None else: fsolve = f_solver_factory.get_solver(x_nd, rot_reg) for i, (reg, rad) in enumerate(zip(regs, rads)): for i_em in range(em_iter): xwarped_nd = f.transform_points(x_nd) dist_nm = ssd.cdist(xwarped_nd, y_md, 'sqeuclidean') prob_nm = np.exp( -dist_nm / (2*rad) ) if prior_prob_nm != None: prob_nm *= prior_prob_nm corr_nm, _, _ = balance_matrix3(prob_nm, 10, x_priors, y_priors, outlierfrac) xtarg_nd, wt_n = prepare_fit_ThinPlateSpline(x_nd, y_md, corr_nm) if fsolve is None: f = ThinPlateSpline.create_from_optimization(x_nd, xtarg_nd, reg, rot_reg, wt_n) else: fsolve.solve(wt_n, xtarg_nd, reg, f) if callback: callback(i, i_em, x_nd, y_md, xtarg_nd, wt_n, f, corr_nm, rad, *args) return f, corr_nm
[docs]def tps_rpm_bij(x_nd, y_md, f_solver_factory=None, g_solver_factory=None, n_iter=settings.N_ITER, em_iter=settings.EM_ITER, reg_init=settings.REG[0], reg_final=settings.REG[1], rad_init=settings.RAD[0], rad_final=settings.RAD[1], rot_reg=settings.ROT_REG, outlierprior=settings.OUTLIER_PRIOR, outlierfrac=settings.OUTLIER_FRAC, prior_prob_nm=None, callback=None, args=()): _, d = x_nd.shape regs = loglinspace(reg_init, reg_final, n_iter) rads = loglinspace(rad_init, rad_final, n_iter) f = ThinPlateSpline(d) scale = (np.max(y_md,axis=0) - np.min(y_md,axis=0)) / (np.max(x_nd,axis=0) - np.min(x_nd,axis=0)) f.lin_ag = np.diag(scale) # align the mins and max f.trans_g = np.median(y_md,axis=0) - np.median(x_nd,axis=0) * scale # align the medians g = ThinPlateSpline(d) g.lin_ag = np.diag(1./scale) g.trans_g = -np.diag(1./scale).dot(f.trans_g) # set up outlier priors for source and target scenes n, _ = x_nd.shape m, _ = y_md.shape x_priors = np.ones(n)*outlierprior y_priors = np.ones(m)*outlierprior # set up custom solver if solver factory is specified if f_solver_factory is None: fsolve = None else: fsolve = f_solver_factory.get_solver(x_nd, rot_reg) if g_solver_factory is None: gsolve = None else: gsolve = g_solver_factory.get_solver(y_md, rot_reg) for i, (reg, rad) in enumerate(zip(regs, rads)): for i_em in range(em_iter): xwarped_nd = f.transform_points(x_nd) ywarped_md = g.transform_points(y_md) fwddist_nm = ssd.cdist(xwarped_nd, y_md, 'sqeuclidean') invdist_nm = ssd.cdist(x_nd, ywarped_md, 'sqeuclidean') prob_nm = np.exp( -((1/n) * fwddist_nm + (1/m) * invdist_nm) / (2*rad * (1/n + 1/m)) ) if prior_prob_nm != None: prob_nm *= prior_prob_nm corr_nm, _, _ = balance_matrix3(prob_nm, 10, x_priors, y_priors, outlierfrac) # edit final value to change outlier percentage xtarg_nd, wt_n = prepare_fit_ThinPlateSpline(x_nd, y_md, corr_nm) ytarg_md, wt_m = prepare_fit_ThinPlateSpline(x_nd, y_md, corr_nm, fwd=False) if fsolve is None: f = ThinPlateSpline.create_from_optimization(x_nd, xtarg_nd, reg, rot_reg, wt_n) else: fsolve.solve(wt_n, xtarg_nd, reg, f) if gsolve is None: g = ThinPlateSpline.create_from_optimization(y_md, ytarg_md, reg, rot_reg, wt_m) else: gsolve.solve(wt_m, ytarg_md, reg, g) if callback: callback(i, i_em, x_nd, y_md, xtarg_nd, corr_nm, wt_n, f, g, corr_nm, rad, *args) return f, g, corr_nm
[docs]def gauss_transform(A, B, scale): m = A.shape[0] n = B.shape[0] dist = (A[:,None,:] - B[None,:,:]) sqdist = np.square(dist).sum(2) cost = np.exp(-sqdist / (scale**2)) f = np.sum(cost) / (m * n) g = -2. * (cost[:,:,None] * dist).sum(1) / (m * n * (scale**2)) return f, g
[docs]def l2_distance(x_nd, y_md, rad): """ Compute the L2 distance between the two Gaussian mixture densities constructed from a moving 'model' point set and a fixed 'scene' point set at a given 'scale'. The term that only involves the fixed 'scene' is excluded from the returned distance. The gradient with respect to the 'model' is calculated and returned as well. """ f1, g1 = gauss_transform(x_nd, x_nd, rad) f2, g2 = gauss_transform(x_nd, y_md, rad) f = f1 - 2*f2 g = 2*g1 - 2*g2 return f,g
[docs]def l2_tps_obj(z, QN, NKN, NRN, NR, y_md, rad, reg, rot_reg): n = QN.shape[1] d = y_md.shape[1] z = z.reshape((n, d)) xwarped_nd = distance, grad = l2_distance(xwarped_nd, y_md, rad) bending = np.trace( rotation = np.trace( - 2 * np.trace( energy = distance + reg * bending + rotation grad = grad += 2 * reg * grad += 2 * - 2 * NR grad = grad.reshape(d*n) return energy, grad
[docs]def l2_tps(x_ld, y_md, ctrl_nd=None, n_iter=settings.N_ITER, opt_iter=400, reg_init=settings.REG[0], reg_final=settings.REG[1], rad_init=settings.RAD[0], rad_final=settings.RAD[1], rot_reg=settings.ROT_REG): if ctrl_nd is None: ctrl_nd = x_ld l, d = x_ld.shape n = ctrl_nd.shape[0] regs = loglinspace(reg_init, reg_final, n_iter) rads = loglinspace(rad_init, rad_final, n_iter) scale = (np.max(y_md,axis=0) - np.min(y_md,axis=0)) / (np.max(x_ld,axis=0) - np.min(x_ld,axis=0)) lin_ag = np.diag(scale) # align the mins and max1 trans_g = np.median(y_md,axis=0) - np.median(x_ld,axis=0) * scale # align the medians z_nd = np.r_[trans_g[None,:], lin_ag, np.zeros((n-d-1,d))] z_nd = z_nd.reshape(n*d) K_nn = tps_kernel_matrix(ctrl_nd) K_ln = tps_kernel_matrix2(x_ld, ctrl_nd) Q = np.c_[np.ones((l,1)), x_ld, K_ln] A = np.r_[np.zeros((d+1,d+1)), np.c_[np.ones((n,1)), ctrl_nd]].T _u,_s,_vh = np.linalg.svd(A[:, d+1:].T) N = np.eye(n+d+1, n) N[d+1:, d+1:] = _u[:, d+1:] QN = NKN = N[d+1:,:][d+1:,:]) NR = N[1:1+d,:].T * rot_reg[:d] NRN =[1:1+d,:]) for reg, rad in zip(regs, rads): res = so.fmin_l_bfgs_b(l2_tps_obj, z_nd, None, args=(QN, NKN, NRN, NR, y_md, rad, reg, rot_reg), maxfun=opt_iter) z_nd = res[0] z_nd = z_nd.reshape((n, d)) f = ThinPlateSpline(d) theta = f.update(ctrl_nd, None, reg, rot_reg, None, theta, N=N, z=z_nd) return f
[docs]def loglinspace(start, stop, num): """Return numbers spaced with a constant ratio. Returns `num` numbers in the interval [`start`, `stop`], with constant ratio between consecutive numbers. Args: start: The starting value of the sequence. stop: The end value of the sequence. num: Number of samples to generate. Note: Unlike np.linspace, a singleton sequence with `stop` is returned when `num` is 1. Example: >>> loglinspace(1.0, 100.0, 3) array([ 1., 10., 100.]) >>> loglinspace(10.0, 0.001, 5) array([ 1.00000000e+01, 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e-01, 1.00000000e-02, 1.00000000e-03]) >>> loglinspace(2, 4, 1) array([ 4.]) """ if num == 1: return np.array([stop]).astype(np.float64) else: return np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(start), np.log(stop), num))
[docs]def balance_matrix3_cpu(prob_nm, max_iter, row_priors, col_priors, outlierfrac, r_N = None): n,m = prob_nm.shape prob_NM = np.empty((n+1, m+1), 'f4') prob_NM[:n, :m] = prob_nm prob_NM[:n, m] = row_priors prob_NM[n, :m] = col_priors prob_NM[n, m] = np.sqrt(np.sum(row_priors)*np.sum(col_priors)) # this can `be weighted bigger weight = fewer outliers a_N = np.ones((n+1),'f4') a_N[n] = m*outlierfrac b_M = np.ones((m+1),'f4') b_M[m] = n*outlierfrac if r_N is None: r_N = np.ones(n+1,'f4') for _ in xrange(max_iter): c_M = b_M/ r_N = a_N/ prob_NM *= r_N[:,None] prob_NM *= c_M[None,:] return prob_NM[:n, :m].astype(np.float64), r_N, c_M
[docs]def balance_matrix3_gpu(prob_nm, max_iter, row_priors, col_priors, outlierfrac, r_N = None): if not lfd.registration._has_cuda: raise NotImplementedError("CUDA not installed") n,m = prob_nm.shape prob_NM = np.empty((n+1, m+1), 'f4') prob_NM[:n, :m] = prob_nm prob_NM[:n, m] = row_priors prob_NM[n, :m] = col_priors prob_NM[n, m] = np.sqrt(np.sum(row_priors)*np.sum(col_priors)) # this can `be weighted bigger weight = fewer outliers a_N = np.ones((n+1),'f4') a_N[n] = m*outlierfrac b_M = np.ones((m+1),'f4') b_M[m] = n*outlierfrac if r_N is None: r_N = np.ones((n+1,1),'f4') prob_NM_gpu = gpuarray.empty((n+1,m+1), dtype=np.float32) prob_MN_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m+1,n+1), dtype=np.float32) r_N_gpu = gpuarray.empty((n+1,1), dtype=np.float32) c_M_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m+1,1), dtype=np.float32) prob_NM_gpu.set_async(prob_NM) prob_MN_gpu.set_async(prob_NM.T.copy()) r_N_gpu.set_async(r_N) for _ in xrange(max_iter):, r_N_gpu, transa='T', out=c_M_gpu) c_M_gpu.set_async(b_M[:,None]/c_M_gpu.get()), c_M_gpu, transa='T', out=r_N_gpu) r_N_gpu.set_async(a_N[:,None]/r_N_gpu.get()) r_N = r_N_gpu.get() c_M = c_M_gpu.get() prob_NM *= r_N prob_NM *= c_M.T return prob_NM[:n, :m].astype(np.float64), r_N, c_M
[docs]def balance_matrix4(prob_nm, max_iter, p_n, p_m): """Like balance_matrix3 but doesn't normalize the p_m row and the p_n column Example: >>> from lfd.registration.tps import balance_matrix4 >>> import numpy as np >>> n, m = (100, 150) >>> prob_nm = np.random.random((n,m)) >>> p_n = 0.1 * np.random.random(n) >>> p_m = 0.1 * np.random.random(m) >>> prob_nm0 = balance_matrix4(prob_nm, 10, p_n, p_m) >>> prob_nm1 = prob_nm.copy() >>> for _ in xrange(10): ... prob_nm1 = prob_nm1 / (prob_nm1.sum(axis=0) + p_m)[None, :] ... prob_nm1 = prob_nm1 / (prob_nm1.sum(axis=1) + p_n)[:, None] ... >>> np.allclose(prob_nm0, prob_nm1) True """ n,m = prob_nm.shape p_n = p_n.astype('f4') p_m = p_m.astype('f4') a_n = np.ones(n,'f4') b_m = np.ones(m,'f4') r_n = np.ones(n,'f4') c_m = np.ones(m,'f4') prob_nm = prob_nm.astype('f4') for _ in xrange(max_iter): c_m = b_m/( + p_m/c_m) r_n = a_n/( + p_n/r_n) prob_nm *= r_n[:,None] prob_nm *= c_m[None,:] return prob_nm.astype(np.float64)
[docs]def balance_matrix3(*args, **kwargs): if lfd.registration._has_cuda: ret = balance_matrix3_gpu(*args, **kwargs) else: ret = balance_matrix3_cpu(*args, **kwargs) return ret