Source code for lfd.environment.simulation

from __future__ import division

import openravepy
import trajoptpy
import bulletsimpy
from lfd.rapprentice import animate_traj, ropesim
import numpy as np
from robot_world import RobotWorld
import sim_util
import settings
import importlib

[docs]class StaticSimulation(object): def __init__(self, env=None): if env is not None: self.env = env else: self.env = openravepy.Environment() self.env.StopSimulation() self.sim_objs = [] self.robot = None self.__viewer_cache = None
[docs] def add_objects(self, objs_to_add, consider_finger_collisions=True): if consider_finger_collisions: self._include_gripper_finger_collisions() n_robots = len(self.env.GetRobots()) for obj_to_add in objs_to_add: if obj_to_add.dynamic: raise RuntimeError("Dynamic object can't be added to StaticSimulation") else: self.sim_objs.append(obj_to_add) obj_to_add.add_to_env(self) if len(self.env.GetRobots()) > n_robots: if self.robot: raise NotImplementedError("Behavior for adding more than one robot has not been defined") self.robot = self.env.GetRobots()[-1] if consider_finger_collisions: self._exclude_gripper_finger_collisions()
[docs] def remove_objects(self, objs_to_remove, consider_finger_collisions=True): if consider_finger_collisions: self._include_gripper_finger_collisions() for obj_to_remove in objs_to_remove: if obj_to_remove.dynamic: raise RuntimeError("Dynamic object can't be removed from StaticSimulation") else: self.sim_objs.remove(obj_to_remove) obj_to_remove.remove_from_env() if self.robot and self.robot not in self.env.GetRobots(): raise NotImplementedError("Behavior for removing robots has not been defined") if consider_finger_collisions: self._exclude_gripper_finger_collisions()
[docs] def get_state(self): sim_objs_constructor_infos = [sim_obj._get_constructor_info() for sim_obj in self.sim_objs] states = {} for sim_obj in self.sim_objs: state_key = "".join(sim_obj.names) assert state_key not in states, "multiple sim_objs with same names" states[state_key] = sim_obj.get_state() states["dof_limits"] = np.asarray(self.robot.GetDOFLimits()) states["dof_values"] = self.robot.GetDOFValues() sim_state = (sim_objs_constructor_infos, states) return sim_state
[docs] def set_state(self, sim_state): constr_infos, states = sim_state cur_constr_infos = [sim_obj._get_constructor_info() for sim_obj in self.sim_objs] constr_infos_to_remove = [constr_info for constr_info in cur_constr_infos if constr_info not in constr_infos] constr_infos_to_add = [constr_info for constr_info in constr_infos if constr_info not in cur_constr_infos] sim_objs_to_add = [] sim_objs_to_remove = [] for constr_info in constr_infos_to_remove: sim_obj = self.sim_objs[cur_constr_infos.index(constr_info)] sim_objs_to_remove.append(sim_obj) for constr_info in constr_infos_to_add: ((class_name, class_module), args, kwargs) = constr_info class_module = importlib.import_module(class_module) c = getattr(class_module, class_name) sim_objs_to_add.append(c(*args, **kwargs)) self.remove_objects(sim_objs_to_remove) self.add_objects(sim_objs_to_add) # the states should have one and only one state for every sim_obj and dof info states_keys = ["".join(sim_obj.names) for sim_obj in self.sim_objs] + ["dof_limits", "dof_values"] assert set(states_keys) == set(states.keys()) for sim_obj in self.sim_objs: state_key = "".join(sim_obj.names) sim_obj.set_state(states[state_key]) self.robot.SetDOFLimits(*states["dof_limits"]) self.robot.SetDOFValues(states["dof_values"])
@property def viewer(self): if not self.__viewer_cache and trajoptpy.ViewerExists(self.env): self.__viewer_cache = trajoptpy.GetViewer(self.env) return self.__viewer_cache
[docs] def create_viewer(self, window_prop=None, camera_matrix=None): trajoptpy.GetViewer(self.env) # creates viewer if window_prop is None: window_prop = settings.WINDOW_PROP self.viewer.SetWindowProp(*window_prop) if camera_matrix is None: camera_matrix = settings.CAMERA_MATRIX self.viewer.SetCameraManipulatorMatrix(np.asarray(camera_matrix))
def _exclude_gripper_finger_collisions(self): if not self.robot: return cc = trajoptpy.GetCollisionChecker(self.env) for lr in 'lr': for flr in 'lr': finger_link_name = "%s_gripper_%s_finger_tip_link" % (lr, flr) finger_link = self.robot.GetLink(finger_link_name) for sim_obj in self.sim_objs: for bt_obj in sim_obj.get_bullet_objects(): for link in bt_obj.GetKinBody().GetLinks(): cc.ExcludeCollisionPair(finger_link, link) def _include_gripper_finger_collisions(self): if not self.robot: return cc = trajoptpy.GetCollisionChecker(self.env) for lr in 'lr': for flr in 'lr': finger_link_name = "%s_gripper_%s_finger_tip_link" % (lr, flr) finger_link = self.robot.GetLink(finger_link_name) for sim_obj in self.sim_objs: for bt_obj in sim_obj.get_bullet_objects(): for link in bt_obj.GetKinBody().GetLinks(): cc.IncludeCollisionPair(finger_link, link) @staticmethod
[docs] def simulation_state_equal(s0, s1): if s0[0] != s1[0]: return False d0 = s0[1] d1 = s1[1] if not set(d0.keys()) == set(d1.keys()): return False for (k, v0) in d0.iteritems(): v1 = d1[k] if not np.all(v0 == v1): return False return True
[docs]class DynamicSimulation(StaticSimulation): def __init__(self, env=None): super(DynamicSimulation, self).__init__(env=env) self.dyn_sim_objs = [] self.bt_env = None self.bt_robot = None self.dyn_bt_objs = []
[docs] def add_objects(self, sim_objs): static_sim_objs = [sim_obj for sim_obj in sim_objs if not sim_obj.dynamic] dyn_sim_objs = [sim_obj for sim_obj in sim_objs if sim_obj.dynamic] self._include_gripper_finger_collisions() # add static objects super(DynamicSimulation, self).add_objects(static_sim_objs, consider_finger_collisions=False) # add dynamic objects self._remove_bullet() for sim_obj in dyn_sim_objs: self.sim_objs.append(sim_obj) self.dyn_sim_objs.append(sim_obj) self._create_bullet() self._exclude_gripper_finger_collisions()
[docs] def remove_objects(self, sim_objs): static_sim_objs = [sim_obj for sim_obj in sim_objs if not sim_obj.dynamic] dyn_sim_objs = [sim_obj for sim_obj in sim_objs if sim_obj.dynamic] self._include_gripper_finger_collisions() # remove static objects super(DynamicSimulation, self).remove_objects(static_sim_objs, consider_finger_collisions=False) # remove dynamic objects self._remove_bullet() for sim_obj in dyn_sim_objs: self.sim_objs.remove(sim_obj) self.dyn_sim_objs.remove(sim_obj) self._create_bullet() self._exclude_gripper_finger_collisions()
[docs] def set_state(self, sim_state): """ Defined such that execution1 and execution2 gives the same results if execution1 == execution2 in the following code: set_state(sim_state) execution1() set_state(sim_state) execution2() """ self._include_gripper_finger_collisions() self._remove_bullet() self._create_bullet() self._exclude_gripper_finger_collisions() super(DynamicSimulation, self).set_state(sim_state) self.update()
[docs] def update(self): self.bt_robot.UpdateBullet() self._update_rave()
[docs] def step(self): self.bt_robot.UpdateBullet() self.bt_env.Step(.01, 200, .005) self._update_rave()
[docs] def get_translations(self): """return translation part of all links of all dynamic objects""" return np.concatenate( [np.asarray([link.GetTransform() for link in bt_obj.GetKinBody().GetLinks()])[:, :3, 3] for bt_obj in self.dyn_bt_objs] )
[docs] def settle(self, max_steps=100, tol=.001, step_viewer=1): """Keep stepping until the dynamic objects doesn't move, up to some tolerance""" prev_trans = self.get_translations() for i in range(max_steps): self.bt_env.Step(.01, 200, .005) self._update_rave() if self.viewer and step_viewer != 0 and i % step_viewer == 0: if self.viewer: self.viewer.Step() if i % 10 == 0 and i != 0: curr_trans = self.get_translations() diff = np.sqrt(((curr_trans - prev_trans)**2).sum(axis=1)) if diff.max() < tol: break prev_trans = curr_trans self._update_rave() if self.viewer and step_viewer != 0: self.viewer.Step()
def _create_bullet(self): # create bullet environment and dynamic objects in it dyn_obj_names = [] for sim_obj in self.dyn_sim_objs: if not sim_obj.add_after: sim_obj.add_to_env(self) dyn_obj_names.extend(sim_obj.names) self.bt_env = bulletsimpy.BulletEnvironment(self.env, dyn_obj_names) self.bt_env.SetGravity([0, 0, -9.8]) if self.robot: self.bt_robot = self.bt_env.GetObjectByName(self.robot.GetName()) for sim_obj in self.dyn_sim_objs: if sim_obj.add_after: sim_obj.add_to_env(self) for sim_obj in self.dyn_sim_objs: self.dyn_bt_objs.extend(sim_obj.get_bullet_objects()) self._update_rave() def _remove_bullet(self): # remove bullet environment and dynamic objects in it for sim_obj in self.dyn_sim_objs: sim_obj.remove_from_env() self.bt_env = None self.bt_robot = None self.dyn_bt_objs = [] def _update_rave(self): for bt_obj in self.dyn_bt_objs: bt_obj.UpdateRave() self.env.UpdatePublishedBodies()
[docs]class DynamicSimulationRobotWorld(DynamicSimulation, RobotWorld): def __init__(self, env=None, T_w_k=None, range_k=2.): """ T_w_k: world transform of the depth camera range_k: length of the rays. 2 meters by default """ self.constraints = {"l": [], "r": []} self.constraints_links = {"l": [], "r": []} super(DynamicSimulationRobotWorld, self).__init__(env=env) self.T_w_k = T_w_k self.range_k = range_k
[docs] def observe_cloud(self): if self.T_w_k is None: if self.robot is None: raise RuntimeError("Can't observe cloud when there is no robot") else: from lfd.rapprentice import berkeley_pr2 self.T_w_k = berkeley_pr2.get_kinect_transform(self.robot) # camera's parameters cx = 320.-.5 cy = 240.-.5 f = 525. # focal length w = 640. h = 480. pixel_ij = np.array(np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h))).T.reshape((-1, 2)) # all pixel positions rays_to = self.range_k * np.c_[(pixel_ij - np.array([cx, cy])) / f, np.ones(pixel_ij.shape[0])] rays_from = np.zeros_like(rays_to) # transform the rays from the camera frame to the world frame rays_to =[:3,:3].T) + self.T_w_k[:3,3] rays_from =[:3,:3].T) + self.T_w_k[:3,3] cloud = [] for sim_obj in self.dyn_sim_objs: for bt_obj in sim_obj.get_bullet_objects(): ray_collisions = self.bt_env.RayTest(rays_from, rays_to, bt_obj) pts = np.empty((len(ray_collisions), 3)) for i, ray_collision in enumerate(ray_collisions): pts[i, :] = cloud.append(pts) cloud = np.concatenate(cloud) # hack to filter out point below the top of the table. TODO: fix this hack table_sim_objs = [sim_obj for sim_obj in self.sim_objs if "table" in sim_obj.names] assert len(table_sim_objs) == 1 table_sim_obj = table_sim_objs[0] table_height = table_sim_obj.translation[2] + table_sim_obj.extents[2] cloud = cloud[cloud[:, 2] > table_height, :] return cloud
[docs] def open_gripper(self, lr, target_val=None, step_viewer=1, max_vel=.02): self._remove_constraints(lr) # generate gripper finger trajectory joint_ind = self.robot.GetJoint("%s_gripper_l_finger_joint" % lr).GetDOFIndex() start_val = self.robot.GetDOFValues([joint_ind])[0] if target_val is None: target_val = sim_util.get_binary_gripper_angle(True) joint_traj = np.linspace(start_val, target_val, np.ceil(abs(target_val - start_val) / max_vel)) # execute gripper finger trajectory for val in joint_traj: self.robot.SetDOFValues([val], [joint_ind]) self.step() if self.viewer and step_viewer: self.viewer.Step()
[docs] def close_gripper(self, lr, step_viewer=1, max_vel=.02, close_dist_thresh=0.004, grab_dist_thresh=0.005): print 'CLOSING GRIPPER' # generate gripper finger trajectory joint_ind = self.robot.GetJoint("%s_gripper_l_finger_joint" % lr).GetDOFIndex() start_val = self.robot.GetDOFValues([joint_ind])[0] print 'start_val: ', start_val # execute gripper finger trajectory dyn_bt_objs = [bt_obj for sim_obj in self.dyn_sim_objs for bt_obj in sim_obj.get_bullet_objects()] next_val = start_val while next_val: flr2finger_pts_grid = self._get_finger_pts_grid(lr) ray_froms, ray_tos = flr2finger_pts_grid['l'], flr2finger_pts_grid['r'] # stop closing if any ray hits a dynamic object within a distance of close_dist_thresh from both sides next_vel = max_vel for bt_obj in dyn_bt_objs: from_to_ray_collisions = self.bt_env.RayTest(ray_froms, ray_tos, bt_obj) to_from_ray_collisions = self.bt_env.RayTest(ray_tos, ray_froms, bt_obj) rays_dists = np.inf * np.ones((len(ray_froms), 2)) for rc in from_to_ray_collisions: ray_id = np.argmin(np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, ray_froms - rc.rayFrom)) rays_dists[ray_id, 0] = np.linalg.norm( - rc.rayFrom) for rc in to_from_ray_collisions: ray_id = np.argmin(np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, ray_tos - rc.rayFrom)) rays_dists[ray_id, 1] = np.linalg.norm( - rc.rayFrom) colliding_rays_inds = np.logical_and(rays_dists[:, 0] != np.inf, rays_dists[:, 1] != np.inf) if np.any(colliding_rays_inds): rays_dists = rays_dists[colliding_rays_inds, :] if np.any(np.logical_and(rays_dists[:, 0] < close_dist_thresh, rays_dists[:, 1] < close_dist_thresh)): next_vel = 0 else: next_vel = np.minimum(next_vel, np.min(rays_dists.sum(axis=1))) if next_vel == 0: break next_val = np.maximum(next_val - next_vel, 0) self.robot.SetDOFValues([next_val], [joint_ind]) self.step() if self.viewer and step_viewer: self.viewer.Step() handles = [] # add constraints at the points where a ray hits a dynamic link within a distance of grab_dist_thresh for bt_obj in dyn_bt_objs: from_to_ray_collisions = self.bt_env.RayTest(ray_froms, ray_tos, bt_obj) to_from_ray_collisions = self.bt_env.RayTest(ray_tos, ray_froms, bt_obj) ray_collisions = [rc for rcs in [from_to_ray_collisions, to_from_ray_collisions] for rc in rcs] for rc in ray_collisions: if np.linalg.norm( - rc.rayFrom) < grab_dist_thresh: link_tf = link_tf[:3, 3] = self._add_constraints(lr,, link_tf) if self.viewer and step_viewer: self.viewer.Step()
[docs] def execute_trajectory(self, full_traj, step_viewer=1, interactive=False, max_cart_vel_trans_traj=.05, max_cart_vel=.02, sim_callback=None): # TODO: incorporate other parts of sim_full_traj_maybesim if sim_callback is None: sim_callback = lambda i: self.step() traj, dof_inds = full_traj # # clip finger joint angles to the binary gripper angles if necessary # for lr in 'lr': # joint_ind = self.robot.GetJoint("%s_gripper_l_finger_joint"%lr).GetDOFIndex() # if joint_ind in dof_inds: # ind = dof_inds.index(joint_ind) # traj[:,ind] = np.minimum(traj[:,ind], get_binary_gripper_angle(True)) # traj[:,ind] = np.maximum(traj[:,ind], get_binary_gripper_angle(False)) # in simulation mode, we must make sure to gradually move to the new starting position self.robot.SetActiveDOFs(dof_inds) curr_vals = self.robot.GetActiveDOFValues() transition_traj = np.r_[[curr_vals], [traj[0]]] sim_util.unwrap_in_place(transition_traj, dof_inds=dof_inds) transition_traj = ropesim.retime_traj(self.robot, dof_inds, transition_traj, max_cart_vel=max_cart_vel_trans_traj) animate_traj.animate_traj(transition_traj, self.robot, restore=False, pause=interactive, callback=sim_callback, step_viewer=step_viewer if self.viewer else 0) traj[0] = transition_traj[-1] sim_util.unwrap_in_place(traj, dof_inds=dof_inds) traj = ropesim.retime_traj(self.robot, dof_inds, traj, max_cart_vel=max_cart_vel) # make the trajectory slow enough for the simulation animate_traj.animate_traj(traj, self.robot, restore=False, pause=interactive, callback=sim_callback, step_viewer=step_viewer if self.viewer else 0) if self.viewer and step_viewer: self.viewer.Step() return True
def _create_bullet(self): for lr in 'lr': if self.constraints[lr] or self.constraints_links[lr]: raise RuntimeError("Bullet environment can't be removed while the robot is grasping an object") super(DynamicSimulationRobotWorld, self)._create_bullet() def _remove_bullet(self): for lr in 'lr': if self.constraints[lr] or self.constraints_links[lr]: raise RuntimeError("Bullet environment can't be removed while the robot is grasping an object") super(DynamicSimulationRobotWorld, self)._remove_bullet() def _get_finger_pts_grid(self, lr, min_sample_dist=0.005): sample_grid = None flr2finger_pts_grid = {} for finger_lr in 'lr': world_from_finger = self.robot.GetLink("%s_gripper_%s_finger_tip_link" % (lr, finger_lr)).GetTransform() finger_pts = world_from_finger[:3, 3] \ + sim_util.get_finger_rel_pts(finger_lr).dot(world_from_finger[:3, :3].T) pt0 = finger_pts[0 if finger_lr == 'l' else 3][None, :] pt1 = finger_pts[1 if finger_lr == 'l' else 2][None, :] pt3 = finger_pts[3 if finger_lr == 'l' else 0][None, :] if sample_grid is None: num_sample_01 = np.round(np.linalg.norm(pt1 - pt0)/min_sample_dist) num_sample_03 = np.round(np.linalg.norm(pt3 - pt0)/min_sample_dist) sample_grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, num_sample_01), np.linspace(0, 1, num_sample_03))).T.reshape((-1, 2)) flr2finger_pts_grid[finger_lr] = pt0 + sample_grid[:, 0][:, None].dot(pt1 - pt0) \ + sample_grid[:, 1][:, None].dot(pt3 - pt0) return flr2finger_pts_grid def _remove_constraints(self, lr, grab_link=None): """ If grab_link is None, remove all constraints that attaches the lr gripper, else remove all constraints that attaches between the lr gripper and grab_link """ num_links_removed = 0 for (cnt, link) in zip(self.constraints[lr], self.constraints_links[lr]): if grab_link is None or link == grab_link: self.bt_env.RemoveConstraint(cnt) num_links_removed += 1 # TODO: provide option to color the contrained links and save color before overriding it for link in self.constraints_links[lr]: if grab_link is None or link == grab_link: for geom in link.GetGeometries(): geom.SetDiffuseColor([1., 1., 1.]) if grab_link is None: self.constraints[lr] = [] self.constraints_links[lr] = [] else: if grab_link in self.constraints_links[lr]: constraints_links_pairs = zip(*[(cnt, link) for (cnt, link) in zip(self.constraints[lr], self.constraints_links[lr]) if link != grab_link]) if constraints_links_pairs: constraints, constraints_links = constraints_links_pairs self.constraints[lr] = list(constraints) self.constraints_links[lr] = list(constraints_links) else: self.constraints[lr] = [] self.constraints_links[lr] = [] def _add_constraints(self, lr, grab_link, grab_tf=None): if grab_tf is None: grab_tf = grab_link.GetTransform() # TODO: provide option to color the contrained links and save color before overriding it for geom in grab_link.GetGeometries(): geom.SetDiffuseColor([1.,0.,0.]) for flr in 'lr': robot_link = self.robot.GetLink("%s_gripper_%s_finger_tip_link" % (lr, flr)) cnt = self.bt_env.AddConstraint({ "type": "generic6dof", "params": { "link_a": robot_link, "link_b": grab_link, "frame_in_a": np.linalg.inv(robot_link.GetTransform()).dot(grab_tf), "frame_in_b": np.linalg.inv(grab_link.GetTransform()).dot(grab_tf), "use_linear_reference_frame_a": False, "stop_erp": .8, "stop_cfm": .1, "disable_collision_between_linked_bodies": True, } }) self.constraints[lr].append(cnt) self.constraints_links[lr].append(grab_link)
[docs]class DynamicRopeSimulationRobotWorld(DynamicSimulationRobotWorld):
[docs] def in_grasp_region(self,robot, lr, pt): tol = .00 manip_name = {"l": "leftarm", "r": "rightarm"}[lr] manip = robot.GetManipulator(manip_name) l_finger = robot.GetLink("%s_gripper_l_finger_tip_link"%lr) r_finger = robot.GetLink("%s_gripper_r_finger_tip_link"%lr) def transform(hmat, p): return hmat[:3,:3].dot(p) + hmat[:3,3] def on_inner_side(pt, finger_lr): finger = l_finger closing_dir = np.cross(manip.GetLocalToolDirection(), [-1, 0, 0]) local_inner_pt = np.array([0.234402, -0.299, 0])/20. if finger_lr == "r": finger = r_finger closing_dir *= -1 local_inner_pt[1] *= -1 inner_pt = transform(finger.GetTransform(), local_inner_pt) return manip.GetTransform()[:3,:3].dot(closing_dir).dot(pt - inner_pt) > 0 # check that pt is behind the gripper tip pt_local = transform(np.linalg.inv(manip.GetTransform()), pt) if pt_local[2] > .03 + tol: return False # check that pt is within the finger width if abs(pt_local[0]) > .01 + tol: return False # check that pt is between the fingers if not on_inner_side(pt, "l") or not on_inner_side(pt, "r"): return False return True
[docs] def close_gripper(self, lr, step_viewer=1, max_vel=.02, close_dist_thresh=0.004, grab_dist_thresh=0.005): print 'CLOSING GRIPPER' # generate gripper finger trajectory joint_ind = self.robot.GetJoint("%s_gripper_l_finger_joint"%lr).GetDOFIndex() start_val = self.robot.GetDOFValues([joint_ind])[0] print 'start_val: ', start_val # execute gripper finger trajectory dyn_bt_objs = [bt_obj for sim_obj in self.dyn_sim_objs for bt_obj in sim_obj.get_bullet_objects()] next_val = start_val while next_val: flr2finger_pts_grid = self._get_finger_pts_grid(lr) ray_froms, ray_tos = flr2finger_pts_grid['l'], flr2finger_pts_grid['r'] # stop closing if any ray hits a dynamic object within a distance of close_dist_thresh from both sides next_vel = max_vel for bt_obj in dyn_bt_objs: from_to_ray_collisions = self.bt_env.RayTest(ray_froms, ray_tos, bt_obj) to_from_ray_collisions = self.bt_env.RayTest(ray_tos, ray_froms, bt_obj) rays_dists = np.inf * np.ones((len(ray_froms), 2)) for rc in from_to_ray_collisions: ray_id = np.argmin(np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, ray_froms - rc.rayFrom)) rays_dists[ray_id,0] = np.linalg.norm( - rc.rayFrom) for rc in to_from_ray_collisions: ray_id = np.argmin(np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, ray_tos - rc.rayFrom)) rays_dists[ray_id,1] = np.linalg.norm( - rc.rayFrom) colliding_rays_inds = np.logical_and(rays_dists[:,0] != np.inf, rays_dists[:,1] != np.inf) if np.any(colliding_rays_inds): rays_dists = rays_dists[colliding_rays_inds,:] if np.any(np.logical_and(rays_dists[:,0] < close_dist_thresh, rays_dists[:,1] < close_dist_thresh)): next_vel = 0 else: next_vel = np.minimum(next_vel, np.min(rays_dists.sum(axis=1))) if next_vel == 0: break next_val = np.maximum(next_val - next_vel, 0) self.robot.SetDOFValues([next_val], [joint_ind]) self.step() if self.viewer and step_viewer: self.viewer.Step() rope = [bt_obj for sim_obj in self.dyn_sim_objs for bt_obj in sim_obj.get_bullet_objects()][0] nodes, ctl_pts = rope.GetNodes(), rope.GetControlPoints() graspable_nodes = np.array([self.in_grasp_region(self.robot, lr, n) for n in nodes]) graspable_ctl_pts = np.array([self.in_grasp_region(self.robot, lr, n) for n in ctl_pts]) graspable_inds = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_or(graspable_nodes, np.logical_or(graspable_ctl_pts[:-1], graspable_ctl_pts[1:]))) print 'graspable inds for %s: %s' % (lr, str(graspable_inds)) if len(graspable_inds) == 0: return False robot_link = self.robot.GetLink("%s_gripper_l_finger_tip_link"%lr) rope_links = rope.GetKinBody().GetLinks() for i_node in graspable_inds: i_cnt = i_node for geom in rope_links[i_cnt].GetGeometries(): geom.SetDiffuseColor([1.,0.,0.]) link = rope_links[i_cnt] self._add_constraints(lr, link, link.GetTransform()) if step_viewer and self.viewer: self.viewer.Step() return True
[docs] def release_rope(self, lr): # print 'RELEASE: %s (%d constraints)' % (lr, len(self.constraints[lr])) for c in self.constraints[lr]: self.bt_env.RemoveConstraint(c) rope_links = self.rope.GetKinBody().GetLinks() for link in self.constraints_links[lr]: for geom in link.GetGeometries(): geom.SetDiffuseColor([1.,1.,1.]) self.constraints[lr] = [] self.constraints_links[lr] = []